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Magic Mushroom Potatoes

Magic Mushroom Potatoes

Magic Mushroom Potatoes

The following recipe is from Team Croix Valley member Jeffrey de Kwant. He runs a catering business in Almere, Netherlands called De Nederlandse BBQ Rebel. Follow him on Instagram for more truly outstanding dishes. 
Is it a mushroom or potato?
This time I did some old school things with the potatoes.
First de mushroom:
Halve small potatoes, take an apple drill and insert it into the halved potato, but so that it does not go through it.
Cut away some potato along the iron edge and pull the potato out of the apple drill. Now you have a mushroom.
Mix the mushroom potatoes with garlic, salt, garlic booster and some oil. Bake the mushroom potatoes in the oven or bbq 350°f for about 25 minutes.
Now the other potato dish:
Take 1 kg of potatoes and cook them with a little salt. Mash this into a puree. Grate 150 gr old golden cheese and chop 100 gr ham finely, mix this with 100 gr of herb butter and 3 tbsp flour through the puree. Season with garlic booster and some salt. Make a small ball of 2-3 cm and fry it nicely golden brown. Mix these potato balls with the mushroom potatoes and some arugula.
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